Yes ok, this year hasn’t been exactly the steadiest so far and tracking down a driving date has been… a pain in the back.
Up until today and given the facts that we currently have, September seems to have no less than 6 driving possibilites for the Nurburgring as far as trackdays go at least.
You can always count on the daily TF sessions between 17:00 – 19:30 and the all day weekend ones from 08:00 until 19:30 to put in some more driving time if you wish so.
Not yet know which one to choose, how much it will cost, where to find information or where to get a coach to keep you in one piece and make you faster?
Well you arrived in the right place so keep on reading….
September 3rd & 4th – Nordschleife
Destination Nurburgring DN24 / Entry fee: €1.399 / Format: Open Pitlane – 08:00 – 16:30 (Link)
September 7th – Nordschleife
Gedlich Racing Nordschleife Driver’s Training / Entry fee: €1.690 / Format: Lead & Follow – 1:1 Coaching / 08:00 – 16:30 (Link)
September 21st – Nordschleife
Gedlich Racing Nordschleife Driver’s Training / Entry fee: €1.690 / Format: Lead & Follow – 1:1 Coaching / 08:00 – 16:30 (Link)
September 29th – Nurburgring Sprint
Gedlich Racing / Entry fee: €699 or €999 / Street & Race Sessions (45 mins)/ 09:00- 17:00 (Link)
September 30th – Nordschleife
Schnelle Schwaben / Entry fee: ~ €849 / Format Open Pitlane / 08:00 – 16:30 (Link)
Sourcing the car rental of your dreams
1:1 Private Coaching from the passenger side
In Depth Data Analysis, with or without your own device